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Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), initially created under President Jimmy Carter by Presidential Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978 and implemented by two Executive Orders on April 1, 1979. The agency's primary purpose is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities. The governor of the state in which the disaster occurs must declare a state of emergency and formally request from the President that FEMA and the federal government respond to the disaster. The only exception to the state's gubernatorial declaration requirement occurs when an emergency or...
Our story rules have been prepared to increase In-Game quality. Stories that do not comply with the rules will be deleted. Stories must make sense. Characters must fit the story. You must act in accordance with the story and reflect the characteristics of your character. Some of the character stories will be translated into cinematics after being chosen by management vote. We will contact you for the cinematic, we want to use your beautiful story in our server promotion. Please prepare your story by following our rules.
Name : Cuby Lee Date of Birth : 25/06/1989 Storyline : Before the pandemic, Cuby, a factory worker, lived a hobo life. This " hobo" life, which was the result of having no one in his life, suited him, he had no one to answer to, no one waiting for him. The thing that upset him the most was loneliness, there was nothing that made him successful in life. He had never had a girlfriend other than prostitutes. He was actually glad that this capitalist system had collapsed. Of course he had friends he missed, the person he loved most in this life, Ray Willson, was one of the first to die in the hospital protests. He would have made a perfect duo with him now, and that thought saddened Cuby the most. His old life was still going on, he was...
After the outbreak there was no heavy looting here, maybe there are not enough quality products to be looted. It is not as devastated as the city because the people who live here have not participated in protests etc. and there is not much chaos, but now everyone's eyes are on this place because there is nothing left in the city. Most of the houses are still intact, maybe if I barricade the doors and windows I can live. But resources? It's ridiculous to live in a settlement right now. What will I do when the hordes are roaming around and the resource runs out? It's not time yet. But it's the best place for now, the resources haven't run out yet. Maybe there are parts left in the factory, I can develop my own tools because there's...
After the outbreak in 2023, we thought it was over, but it wasn't. Life has started again for those of us who survived. In our new life, death is even closer to us. We are now counting the days until our death, waking up every morning saying "this is my last day". We will either die of hunger, thirst or be bitten. Gone are the glamorous lives before the pandemic, whoever is lucky will survive or die. And how did it all happen? Before it even started, a group of mercenaries stormed the hospital and took an important patient hostage. If it was us, the government wouldn't give a fuck, but it was an important patient, so the cops made an announcement that if you kill him, the building will collapse and no one can get out. These hostage...